Getting distracted and can’t finish your work on time? “Stop it, or I’ll bury you alive in a box!” That was a good old classic way of motivation that explains why we will avoid giving evident pieces of advice, life
Read moreGetting distracted and can’t finish your work on time? “Stop it, or I’ll bury you alive in a box!” That was a good old classic way of motivation that explains why we will avoid giving evident pieces of advice, life
Read moreLet’s start with the definition of a gerund. It is a verbal noun; its functions in a sentence are the same as that of a noun. Gerunds are formed by adding “ing” to a verb. Sometimes it can be problematic
Read moreAttention! The registration for the online webinar “Editing 101” is now open! Please note that the number of participants is limited! Click on the link to register – REGISTRATION Date: 10 October 2018 Time: New York 10:00 London: 15:00
Read moreInterested in freelance editing jobs, but still have doubts and questions? Jobs For Editors is preparing an online webinar called “Editing 101” – an introductory course to editing! The participation is free of charge! You will learn: How the “Jobs
Read moreIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself
Read moreWhat’s pros and cons? Well, it is an abbreviation of the latin phrase pro et contra, which means to be for or against. In the case of spell checkers, there are quite a few. Though spell checkers are invaluable tools,
Read moreWe use figures of speech throughout the day without even thinking about them. Alliteration, metaphors, similes, assonance, consonance, boasting, and so on are common figures of speech that are employed almost unconsciously. We might have learned these figures of speech
Read moreMistakes are bound to happen. Native writers, and writers who are learning English, both commit errors, but in different ways. There are common mistakes in English that almost anybody makes, like writing “affect” instead of “effect,” or using a semicolon
Read moreEditing an essay can be done in a systematic way, though most students unfortunately do not follow any specific procedure while editing their essays. Trying to perfect an essay through a step-by-step method is more effective than just glancing at
Read moreWorking as a writing editor online for some time, you are likely to admit that a number of tasks can be passed with flying colors, while others are nothing but a stumbling block and are extremely demanding. Being desperately tired
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