How much will you get paid?

Possible up to


Average per month


What does the payment include?

$200 fixed monthly payment*

Part of the order price shared between an editor and writer**

Bonuses for quality and quantity***


* In case the managing editor covers the required workload of 80 orders per month. Otherwise, the flat fee is recalculated according to the number of orders completed.

** The price for a completed order is shared between the writer and the editor (our cost per page is indicated in the table below). The more corrections you make, the higher your payment is. So, your income may vary from 5% to 50% of the price for every edited paper depending on the type of text and number of changes made.

Level of Complexity Urgent Deadlines
(up to 24 hours)
Non-Urgent Deadlines
Simple $7 — $8 $5
Average $9 — $11 $6
Medium $10 — $12 $7
Hard $13 — $15 $9 — $11

***Managing editors can get seasonal bonuses (up to 20%) based on the evaluation of their performance and workload. Editors can receive bonuses (up to $200) for the quantity and quality of edited orders every month.

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