It might remind of an entertaining game when you read the beginning of a phrase and already know how it will end. Think of all these: “as easy as pie,” “don’t play with fire,” “beauty is only skin deep,” etc.
Read moreIt might remind of an entertaining game when you read the beginning of a phrase and already know how it will end. Think of all these: “as easy as pie,” “don’t play with fire,” “beauty is only skin deep,” etc.
Read moreEasy does it! A stitch in time saves nine. If you have ever wondered what the main difference is between idioms and metaphors, this is a good moment to make things clear to you. Let’s plunge into the world of
Read moreGetting distracted and can’t finish your work on time? “Stop it, or I’ll bury you alive in a box!” That was a good old classic way of motivation that explains why we will avoid giving evident pieces of advice, life
Read moreTo start, let’s give a more distinct definition of the main term. Here and after, writing inspiration is a way to encourage yourself and give a boost to your brain—it is a way to rev your imagination and put you
Read moreBasics There are many different styles of writing. However, what is style in writing, anyways? A writer’s style comprises voice, tone, pacing, usage of technical aspects of writing (like punctuation), and word choice. With all of these elements combined, it
Read moreThough people may say English is one of the easier languages to learn, it is in fact dependent on what your native language is. If your native language is Spanish, Italian, French, or German, then English will not be hard
Read moreIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself
Read moreWhat’s pros and cons? Well, it is an abbreviation of the latin phrase pro et contra, which means to be for or against. In the case of spell checkers, there are quite a few. Though spell checkers are invaluable tools,
Read moreWe use figures of speech throughout the day without even thinking about them. Alliteration, metaphors, similes, assonance, consonance, boasting, and so on are common figures of speech that are employed almost unconsciously. We might have learned these figures of speech
Read moreOverview The basic difference between denotation and connotation is that denotation is the literal meaning of a word, whereas connotation represents what associations are made with a certain word. Connotation also deals with the diction of one’s writing. They are
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